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  • Harnessing cognitive technologies for personalized consumer engagement at scale

    Consumer Engagement through Conversational AI

Consumer Engagement through Conversational AI

A healthy conversation with customers by knowing their problems goes a long way. However, at times addressing the issue profoundly is time-consuming and challenging to scale.

AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP)-based solutions answer the challenges of understanding and engaging customers at scale.

These advanced natural language conversations are a means to enhance outcomes at every stage of a customer’s lifecycle, from pre-purchase to in-purchase and post-purchase.

The application of these technologies overcomes the limitations of traditional marketing by creating a two-way flow of information and actionable data.

They also forge a deep connection with customers by responding to their needs and sentiments intelligently, with patience and precision. As more business interactions shift online, there will be a growing demand for friendly natural language interactions that reduce marketing and support costs without compromising outcomes. Organizations that provide high-quality interactions will win the game.

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    Conversational consumer engagement provides huge improvement in delivering value to the consumers across the entire consumer life cycle

    Pre-purchase: Conversational promotions offer huge improvement in both the areas as it allows for customers to give feedback two-ways in natural language, thus providing rich information to marketers to tailor their propositions. It can drive significant improvement in conversion rates and sales volume.
    In-purchase: Conversational channels provide a very effective method of guiding and supporting consumers while they use a product or service, thus elevating the customer experience with the brand and improving metrics like CSAT and NPS. It is also a great channel to up-sell, cross-sell other products/services based on customers’ evolving needs. For example, selling a meal while a customer is waiting for the flight.
    Post-purchase: During the post-purchase phase, conversational channels, especially two-way asynchronous messaging channels like Apple Business Chat, Google RCS, WhatsApp, Messenger etc., provide an edge over other channels by enabling non-intrusive yet personalized communication, building trust and familiarity with the consumer. This enables brand recall during consecutive purchases.

    Asynchronous messaging channels

    Asynchronous messaging channels provide significant advantages over other conversational channels such as telephone/web chat as:

    • They already have consumers using them. They are the most used applications on phone.
    • Conversations don’t get disrupted by any interruptions, context is not lost.
    • Multiple conversations can happen in parallel.
    • Much effective in reaching the consumer at the right time. For example, proposing a seat upgrade just when a customer has arrived at the airport (message vs. email).