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Connected Device Services

Connected Device Services enable seamless access to end user devices and resources – A from anywhere, anytime and any device. We offer an end-to-end device lifecycle management, starting from device provisioning to device retirement, for both on-premise and cloud devices such as laptops, desktops and VDIs. The FIT VDI framework provides the persona-based VDIs for end users based on their nature of job, so that they will get the right compute and graphic VDI to perform their day-to-day activities.

We leverage the industry best practices to optimize the management of your endpoint devices such as laptops/desktops/Tabs/Mobiles, etc. and rapid rollout of devices using on-air deployment mechanism. Connected Device Services also take care of VDI – deployment, provisioning, application packaging, OS customizations and patch management. Our methodologies and technologies maximize the use of automation and orchestration in an overall workplace management. Our services are designed to enhance end-user experience and maintain high availability and performance, while optimizing end-user device lifecycle management costs.

Key Features

  • Provide secure connectivity to organizational IT resources from anywhere.
  • Improve productivity and address new age working habits.
  • VDI solution can be designed in such a way to manage all types of persona within the enterprise.
  • Application virtualization ensure faster deployment of applications to VDI.
  • Enable mobility, BYOD, flexibility to choose (Any Device, Any Where, Any Time).
  • Shift from large, one-off CapEx to easier to manage OpEx.
  • Power-up a redundant infrastructure for immediate disaster recovery.

Business Benefits

  • Cloud-based VDI subscription provides the flexibility to opt for pay-as-you-go model.
  • Connected Device Services also provides you with the skills, processes, and technologies to remove the challenges of device lifecycle management (procurement, provisioning, management, support, deprovisioning, disposal, etc.) in your organization.
  • Scalable VDI architecture.

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    FIT Offerings

    Virtual Workspace

    A modern enterprise demands enhanced productivity and full control over its application, data and IT resources; whereas users want the best experience and workspace freedom. To address these requirements, virtualization technologies (desktop, server, application, etc.) have taken the lead by leveraging new-age tools, applications and high-speed networks. These have completely transformed the way modern desktops, data centers, applications and data are managed, and provide benefits over the traditional desktop infrastructure.

    LTIMindtree has strategic partnerships with industry-leading VDI solution providers. These, when combined with our deep expertise and experience in transformation and managed services, can help you deploy and manage your virtual desktop infrastructure with significant cost savings in capital investments and operational costs, thus enabling us to deliver a flexible and cost-effective service.

    Unified Device Management (BYOD & COPE)

    LTIMindtree’s Unified Device Management service offers organizations to adopt modern management of devices such as mobiles, tabs, laptops and desktops from anywhere using cloud-based management solutions. We support various modern device management from different vendors. We also support organizations to strategize their device management methodology either through BYOD or company-owned policies. Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a device management software used by many organizations to provide flexibility in accessing organization information and application to end user devices securely, The MDM software provides the organization to monitor, manage, and secure employees’ mobile devices that are deployed across multiple mobile service providers and multiple mobile operating systems being used in the organization.

    The MDM has opened the options to allow employees to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) facility and provide access to organization information on those devices securely. The Company-Owned Personally Enabled (COPE) models are well-controlled and managed by the organization, leveraging MDM solutions.