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Test Data & Environment Management

As organizations push for faster releases to the market, there is an increasing probability of applications being developed and tested in silos without considering the possible user and consumer environments. It is imperative that testing of applications is done in an environment that is close to the production environment and is all inclusive. It is also important that test environments are curated in accordance to testing type and scenarios.

Organizations also need to ensure availability of right test data at the right time. The creation of static data and transactional data sets that is close to production data helps the quality engineers to perform rigorous and valid testing. A self-sufficient test data management system ensures availability of test data that is of high quality, proper quantity, in the required format and traceable from requirement to applications.

LTIMindtree provides a proactive test data and environment management approach that help organizations in reducing the overall cost of quality, accelerating releases and improving productivity.

Test Data
LTIMindtree delivers an automated test data management for faster test data identification, provisioning and management through self-service workbench. This is supported by creating a golden test data repository that enables data lineage of all the data sources within and across the integrated systems. Based on the calculated lineage, the data management requests are catered to the right people, as and when they need.

Our Test Data Services include:

  • Test Data Booking including workflow orchestration, data sharing with request dashboard and reporting.
  • Test Data Delivery with synthetic test data generation, sub-setting, masking of production data, mining, loading and distribution.
  • Test Data Provisioning including profiling and sensitive data identification.
  • Test Data Maintenance, configuration, governance, backup and notification.
  • Test Data Cleanup and refresh.
  • Test Data Archival and versioning.
  • Test Data Restore as per request/release/build/cycle-wise.

Environment Management
LTIMindtree’s Test Environment Management services enables the quality engineering team to map out test environments needed for different releases and ensures early bookings of environment with right test data. By Leveraging LTI Canvas DevOps, we perform an automated assessment of test environment readiness, prior to execution. Our Test Environment planning & coordination services include planning & demand management, environment bookings and TEMS reporting.

We also provide transformational environment services for clients, to effectively shift-left by providing real-life conditions for testing through:

  • Virtualized Services Factory for service virtualization, external interfaces virtualization and master data mocking.
  • Simulation Lab for simulating ‘What-If’ scenarios for wicked problems to replicate real life scenarios, boundary conditions and rollbacks.
  • Continuous Pre-prod Environment Monitoring using including application availability and health monitoring, environment demand and usage management, environment dependencies and conflicts and outage alerts and notification.

Key Outcomes

  • Environment availability up to 90%
  • Lower test environment set-up and support costs
  • Reduce test data generation cycle time by 60%
  • Improved data coverage by up to 100%
  • Up to 75% reusability of test data, by monitoring test data requests and usage
  • Maintain test scenario to test data lineage

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