One Greek Salad with Predictive Analytics, Please!
While enjoying a Greek salad drizzled with olive oil, one of…
Best Practices for an Effective Data Strategy
As digital transformation gains momentum across the globe, the…
Reimagining the Asset-Yield Equation: Why Out-of-the-Box Thinking Matters
Maximizing yields from assets is a continuous effort: identifying…
Cyber Security : A Business View
Business teams, as much as the IT team, also play a critical…
How are Emerging Technologies Transforming Wealth Management?
Automation is the first - and often - the only dimension that…
Is AI Making OTT Platforms Smarter?
Consumption of home entertainment through internet-connected…
AI and IT Support
Evolution is part of being human, and today we live in a world,…
Becoming More 'Intelligent' to Deliver Superior Customer Service: How the Finance Industry is Experimenting with AI & Machine Learning
The machines are all around us, taking the world by storm–transforming…
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep learning
Being an ardent lover of the game of Chess, the choice of this…
Singularity, Artificial ‘General’ Intelligence & 'No free lunch' in Machine Learning
If you are part of an industry that is connected with Artificial…
Artificial Intelligence: The "Catch me if you can" moment
Looks like we, currently living humans, are going to witness…