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Productivity Improvement Accelerators

Improve productivity of your development and QA team by implementing accelerators, and achieve `30-40% efficiency improvement and accuracy.

Focus Area

Productivity Enhancement –

  • To look into multiple intermediate manual tasks
  • Repeated tasks eat up good amount of development effort

Solution Approach

  • Bulk Upload Utility – Bulk upload functionality for multiple scenarios such as territory data, type list etc.
  • Policy and Claim Generator: To automate creation of policy and claim depending on different milestones
  • Policy/Claim Import: Policy/ Claim import from one environment to the other for analyzing defects
  • Integration Health check: Real-time health check of each integration point with Guidewire centers
  • Developer Dashboard: Single window of key information and query board for support
  • Log4All: Centralized management system for logs generated in Guidewire VMs in production
  • Export/ Import CSV: Tool to export/ import entity CSV directly without converting to XML

How Does it Benefit

  • Improves efficiency by performing tasks in bulk
  • Reduces time to prepare cases for testing
  • Helps in reducing the effort of recreation of policy
  • Continuous monitoring of integration points
  • Remotely fixes data for production issues

Improves efficiency of these activities by 50% and productivity of Guidewire development and support teams.

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