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Entries by Anuj Shah

Digital Enterprise Collaboration Software and Integration with Salesforce

What is enterprise collaboration? Employees and partners from different teams collaborate physically in a room or digitally over a video conference or a message channel on various topics or issues related to creation of a new account, closing of an opportunity, approval of a price quote, or resolving a case. These collaborations will help enterprise […]

Considering marketplace selling as a part of a Brand’s omnichannel strategy – The advantages & tradeoffs

The most common disposition of e-commerce is expressed through online marketplaces. Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Airbnb, and many others are online marketplaces that facilitate commercial interaction between sellers and buyers, both in D2C, B2B, and B2C models. Most of the well-established online marketplaces provide additional channels for businesses with relatively low costs to establish the additional […]

Secured Digitization with Zero-Trust Principle

Today, most organizations are investing heavily in digital technologies like cloud and SaaS. With the expansion of digital technologies and new ways of working, cyberattacks have become a constant threat to all organizations. Although organizations cannot run efficiently without their employees and third-party vendors, the days of trusting relationships with them are gone as organizations […]

Demystifying Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) for Businesses

As the world becomes more agile, fast-paced, and data-oriented, organizations are faced with the issue of making their security processes more coherent. With an internet penetration rate of about 63% worldwide today, the world is expected to produce around 463 exabytes of data by 2025.[1] Hence the entry of numerous technologies in such a freely […]

Derive more value from your Cloud Oracle Applications Data

Extract Data from Oracle Application Cloud using Business Intelligence Cloud Connector (BICC) The need of the hour? In today’s world, being ahead of the curve is what each organization is looking out for. Digitizing their offerings faster than others gives them a competitive edge over their peers. This process is vastly sped up by adopting […]

What the Metaverse Means for Ecommerce

What comes to your mind when you think of E-commerce models? I am sure, most of us are going to think of either B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B, B2A, or C2A. But is this still the case? In 1992, Neal Stephenson was one of the initial mainstream influencers to talk about ‘The Metaverse.’ While, in his […]

Technology To Accelerate Net Zero Goals: A Glimpse Of How LTIMindtree Can Help

“Climate change is humanity’s code red warning,” stated a recent Sustainable Development Goals Report (2022). With the increasing centrality of issues such as climate change, energy security, and water stress, several enterprises across industry verticals and sectors have begun recognizing environmental risks and the growing importance of managing their impact on the environment. Economies and […]

LTIMindtree AS400 Discovery Tool | Accelerating AS400 Applications Assessment

Organizations from various sectors are running business-critical workloads on the IBM AS400 platform, which is performant and secure. Current time requires organizations to address ever-changing business demands and to operate at scale with efficiency. This means driving innovation, as well as harnessing the power of cloud computing to create a robust foundation for end-to-end business […]

Headless e-commerce – The Future of e-commerce

One of the greatest buzzwords in e-commerce is ‘headless commerce,’ but because of the technical lingo, it is hard for marketers to know what it means and whether it is worthwhile. One thing is certain, though: headless brands are different. Are they, nevertheless, better off? Brands are using every tool or technique to create a […]

DataOps as a Service: Transforming Your Business

About DataOps The DataOps platform is a transformational shift from traditional DevOps that aims to enhance communication, integration, and automation of data flow between data providers and consumers. From a 10000-feet view, one could see DataOps as a collection of best practices, processes, and architectural patterns to follow while building any data use case. The […]

Emerging Opensource Databases

Opensource generally refers to a usable copy of software with its source code open for multiple public users. A public user can modify, use, and distribute the source code of an Opensource platform. The end users of the Opensource software can modify the source code of the software based on dynamic user requirements. Similar to […]

Are APIs on the Path to Eliminate EDI?

Infrastructure, in the software world or real, is rebuilt, repaired, or restored over time, but there comes a stage when replacement becomes inevitable. An old infrastructure becomes outdated to meet the current demands or modern infrastructure emerges with superior capabilities. In either case, there arises a need to re-assess the existing infrastructure and plan for […]