LTIMindtree is a leader in curating engaging and immersive experiences tailored for global brands. Our forte lies in building outcome-driven experiences for customers, partners, and employees, leveraging omni-channel journeys to increase reach, enhance engagement, and drive sales. We excel in delivering omnichannel, immersive, and personalized digital experiences utilizing cutting-edge technology across e-commerce, omnichannel interactions, and digital marketing realms. Our expertise span across automation, AI, immersive capabilities (AR/VR), blockchain, and IP-driven product engineering.

We offer a comprehensive portfolio of services encompassing experience design, strategy, marketing and commerce transformation, analytics, and technology services helping customers envision, design, build, deploy, and manage customer experiences.

At LTIMindtree Interactive, we are a robust team of domain-specific digital experts who use industry-leading practices for automation, AI, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), API, and microservices, to create highly differentiated experiences at efficient costs.


Enterprises today understand the indispensable role of data and analytics in driving transformations. LTIMindtree is disrupting this space by re-imagining core processes to drive speed, efficiency, compliance, and outcomes at scale.

LTIMindtree's approach to data and analytics is strategic, forward-thinking, and focused on delivering amplified outcomes for their clients. Our approach is defined by three key differentiators. With expertise in modern stack technologies, we scale in modern data and analytics skills. Pioneering acceleration-driven data journeys, we deliver unmatched speed, quality, and cost savings. Additionally, our commitment to amplifying outcomes at scale ensures strategic pivots to create valuable data monetization opportunities, maximizing the value for sustainable business growth. Our innovation in data and analytics involves building data-driven organizations through an innovation-led value realization approach, products-led monetization, and solutions tailored for leading companies in each industry segment. We are proud to be unique in the industry to offer Data and Analytics (D&A) services and as well as products - Fosfor suite. Recognitions by leading industry analysts and awards like ‘Data Breakthrough Solution of the Year Award 2023’, ‘AI Solutions Foundry: Top 5 Winning Solution Award’ further solidifies our leadership position.

Championing the Data-driven Everything (D2E) movement, we deliver transformative solutions across five core pillars: Transforming Outcomes, Enterprise AI, Trust and Compliance, Modernizing D&A Ecosystems, and Operate to Thrive. Trusted by 350+ customers, including Fortune 500 companies, our impactful journeys prioritize customer-centricity, operational excellence, innovative revenue streams, and risk-managed predictability. The industry-leading DIWA initiative underscores our commitment to diversity, empowering women in Data and Analytics.

We thrive in collaboration with industry giants, shaping success stories through strategic partner ecosystem. We have mutual strong alliances with leading technology vendors such as Snowflake, Databricks, Informatica, AWS, Microsoft, and Google Cloud, among others, which enables us to deliver cutting-edge solutions to our clients. We are proud to achieve the 'Global System Integrator Innovation Snowflake Partner of the Year 2023' by Snowflake, ‘2023 Databricks Partner Champion of the Year’ by Databricks, ‘Build and Modernize AI apps Specialization’ by Microsoft Azure and an inclusion in the 'Microsoft's AI Partner Playbook’. We also sponsor and participate in various global events to achieve client advocacy and increase brand recall.

As we continue this journey of growth and expansion, our steadfast commitment to innovation and excellence remains resolute. We stand dedicated to helping our clients not just adapt but thrive in the ever-changing landscape of the data and analytics.


AI is the future, and LTIMindtree’s Enterprise AI practice is helping enterprises across the globe get to the future, faster. Together.

As an industry leader in the strategic AI space, our offerings are backed by in-house IPs, navigators, the industry leading platform, and powered by partnerships with global technology majors and hyperscalers. With a deep technology pedigree, our talented team of 500+ AI and data scientists distributed across 8 global CoEs help organizations across verticals and geographies seamlessly achieve maximum RoI, delivered through our expertise in new-age AI paradigms such as composable AI and generative AI.

Through a collaborative approach, we help businesses unlock opportunities and successfully navigate cost of adoption, legal, ethical, data privacy and change management challenges. We achieve this by identifying areas where AI can be an enabler and then co-creating with our customers across the incubation, realization, and operationalization states to help them rapidly move to prototype and validation.

Tailored for each customer, our AI programs are focused on improving efficiency, productivity, profitability, while iteratively reducing overheads and costs, enabling organizations to get to the future, faster. Our 360-degree, holistic approach to AI-led transformation is based on the five pillars of creating value, generating trust through quick wins, delivering solutions that make a substantial difference to business at speed & scale, through the power of responsible, secure, governed AI with in-built guardrails, while caring for the planet through technology that has sustainability built into its foundations.

With 150+ global clients, LTIMindtree’s Enterprise AI practice is a proven enabler helping deliver the power of AI to everyone by building and deploying outcome-driven AI solutions, services and platforms, and generating maximum RoI without disrupting BAU.


LTIMindtree's Cloud and Infrastructure Services are at the forefront of driving impactful digital transformation, seamlessly integrating Gen AI and advanced infrastructure management with sustainability as our core commitment. Going beyond conventional services, we deliver highly efficient solutions through our proven full stack digital operating model. We establish value runways, empower enterprises to maintain resilience and agility in today's dynamic landscape.

Through the strategic use of Multi-Modal Technologies, Gen AI, automation, and cutting-edge digital platforms in Cloud Ops, we unlock the complete potential of digital transformation, ensuring a flawless journey towards operational excellence. This proficiency enables us to address the distinctive infrastructure needs of more than 50 Fortune-100 enterprises.

With our strong service portfolio of cloud and digital infrastructure services, we concentrate on revolutionizing the service value chain for customer-centric delivery, providing unparalleled strategies that drive global-scale transformation.

As a trusted partner in the ever-evolving tech landscape, LTIMindtree leads organizations through their digital journey with pioneering Gen AI innovation and resilient infrastructure management, unlocking boundless potential for our valued customers.


At LTIMindtree, we follow a customer-centric approach to create cybersecurity solutions that help our clients build resilient enterprises. We offer platform-based enterprise cybersecurity solutions, that are proactive, predictive, and cognitively autonomous.

As a security transformation partner, we have helped over 220 clients in more than 30 countries build personalized security roadmaps aligned with their digital transformation goals. We create advanced cyber defense capabilities to solve some of the most complex challenges and secure digital transformations at a scale. Our current portfolio of services covers an end-to-end spectrum across consulting, implementation, transformation, and managed services. Our services focus on helping organizations stay ahead of the attackers and weave resiliency across the enterprise ecosystem in a cyber-physical world. We focus on not just protecting the present but scaling it for the future.


Digital Engineering brings a transformative approach to modernize and enhance businesses through technology. With its offerings it aims to aid organizations in their modernization and transformation journey. Three key offerings of digital engineering are Application Migration and Modernization, Outsourced Product Development and Engineering, and Platform Modernization and Engineering.

Application Migration and Modernization involves seamless transition of legacy systems and applications to newer technology and scalable platforms. This offering aims to improve performance, enhance user experience, and reduce operating costs by leveraging modern technologies and architectures. Whether it's migrating on-premises applications to the cloud or updating outdated applications, this offering brings continuity and agility to application portfolio to meet the challenges of today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Outsourced Product Development and Engineering supports businesses to innovate and accelerate their product development lifecycle by collaborating with our engineering teams. This offering provides access to specialized expertise, accelerates time-to-market, and mitigates resource constraints. By outsourcing product development, organizations can focus on their core competencies while leveraging the skills and experience of LTIMindtree to bring their ideas to fruition.

Platform Modernization and Engineering focuses on optimizing underlying digital platforms that power products and applications, to meet evolving business requirements. It involves automating underlying infrastructure, adopting DevOps and SRE practices, and integrating emerging technologies to enhance scalability, security, and performance. By modernizing platforms, organizations can future-proof their digital ecosystems, drive innovation, and stay ahead of the competition.

All these offerings are supported by a comprehensive set of internal assets and accelerators and a matured partners ecosystem. Our internal assets and accelerators encompass reusable components and frameworks, best practices and standards that ensure consistency and quality of deliverables thereby accelerating delivery cycles. Whereas partner ecosystem helps us to bring richer skillsets, industry knowledge, and technology capabilities to our customers. Additionally, it aids to innovation and co-creation by bringing together a holistic approach and expertise in solving in our customers’ needs.


LTIMindtree’s iNXT brings digital transformation strategies to life with IoT-enabled and AI-powered solutions to drive both operational efficiency and sustained growth for our clients.

iNXT is an ecosystem of connected, intelligent, and sustainable solutions that boost efficiency, elevate experiences, and expedite differentiation. Our edge to experience philosophy uses the interactions between mind, material, machines, and location (M3L) to bring possibilities to life. This M3L framework, in combination with a human-centric design, phygital experiences, and disruptive business models, propels businesses to the future where they can rethink, reimagine, and reinvent.

iNXT’s bouquet of offerings are designed to help customers optimize their journeys from the edge to core with the help of IoT technologies and data-driven intelligence. Spread across asset management, worker productivity, track-n-trace, GeoSpatial technologies, and analytics, these offerings help businesses accelerate their digital transformations and deliver tangible benefits. With iNXT’s versatile solutions, data management and advanced analytics capabilities work in tandem to transform raw data into actionable insights that can be used to drive informed and innovative business decisions. Together, we help organizations innovate, discover new operational savings, and achieve sustained growth.


  • Industry Digital Thread (including digital twin and connected supply chain)
  • Connected X (inclusive of connected assets, material and employees)
  • Nerve Center (inclusive of CEO cockpit and operations control tower)
  • Industrial Business Operations (inclusive of IIoT, I4.0, connected suite — mining, construction, manufacturing, utilities and agriculture)
  • Smart Spaces and ESG (inclusive of sustainability, Net Zero, carbon footprint and compliance monitoring solutions)
  • Industrial Core Modernization (Enterprise solutions such as MES, PLM, APS, LIMS)


Our Platform Operations offering simplifies and optimizes the handoff process between IT and operations for enterprises. Each firm has unique requirements for managing operations, and we help organizations with end-to-end operations management as part of our initiatives. From delivery to performance to workload optimization, we support enterprises at every stage.

We implement numerous solutions that cater to the needs of various enterprises across diverse industries and stages of their operations journey. These solutions enable organizations to manage their resources and workloads with agility and prepare them for scalability as needed. This leads to a new-age experience for enterprises, increasing business and revenue.

Our initiatives maximize operational efficiency to achieve lower costs per insight, timely insight delivery, and consistent experience. This enhances decision-making and business agility, ensuring peak performance for your organization's operations and strengthening your enterprise's foundation.


Geospatial enables workflows and information exchange for engineers, project managers and c-suite leaders in a variety of organizations — including government agencies, construction firms, utilities, telecom providers, smart cities, mining and so on. LTIMindtree enterprise geospatial solutions are based on a map platform that integrates geospatial data from multiple sources, converts that data into actionable insights and disseminates that information through enterprise GIS dashboards.

We help businesses transform the way they operate-whether it’s tracking a high valued asset in indoor-outdoor environment or keeping projects on schedule, we provide end-to-end support right from data collection and management to analytics and visualization of project. Our solution provides the precision and control needed to drive optimal outcomes.

LTIMindtree geospatial solutions intelligently integrate data from a wide range of advanced locational technology sources, including global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), light detection and ranging (LiDAR), drones, RADAR and other 3D scanning technologies plus all desktop and enterprise geographic information systems (GIS). The selective and strategic integration of multiple data sources results in a more accurate understanding of the realities of assets and terrains. With cutting edge spatial technologies and map platform, GeoSpatial help customers achieve a competitive edge in their businesses.


LTIMindtree’s Enterprise Cloud apps unit empowers businesses with services related to ServiceNow, Microsoft Dynamics, and Disruptive SaaS Products. We enable organizations to optimize operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth in today's fast-paced digital landscape. Leveraging our deep expertise in industry-leading platforms, we deliver comprehensive solutions that unlock the full potential of enterprises.


Through our decade-old association with ServiceNow, our Enterprise Apps delivery unit has been helping businesses automate processes, enhance service quality, and increase operational efficiency. As an Elite partner of ServiceNow and an “emerging” service provider, LTIMindtree collaborates with 10% of the Fortune 100 companies implementing solutions on the NOW platform. With an average Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) of 4.86/5, our team has strong credentials in ServiceNow implementation. Our unique service offerings across the value chain, including solutions, accelerators, and frameworks, leverage the power of the NOW Platform to drive value to our customers.


LTIMindtree has achieved the “Solutions Partner” competency for Microsoft business applications with advanced Low-Code/No-Code (LCNC) specialization and a perfect score of 100/100. An average CSAT score of 4.8/5 demonstrates our credibility and expertise in empowering businesses to streamline their sales, marketing, customer service, and financial operations. Our team of experts leverages the power of Microsoft Dynamics to craft bespoke solutions to optimize customer interactions, improve data-driven decision-making, and drive business growth.

In addition to our mastery of established platforms, our Enterprise Cloud apps delivery unit excels in embracing innovative DSaaS products that disrupt conventional norms. With a remarkable quarterly growth rate of approximately 20%, our practice has forged and sustained strategic alliances with over 10 SaaS products. The alliances are complemented by key service partnerships with select niche vendors. These partnerships are dedicated to collaborative solutions spanning critical domains such as Lead-to-Revenue (L2R), Source-to-Pay (S2P), and Supply Chain Management (SCM) segments. Our practice has emerged as a leading industry player, offering comprehensive services, from process consulting and implementation to annual maintenance and support services. The team possesses robust credentials and expertise in key products, including PROS, Model N, Kinaxis, o9, Coupa, Esker, GEP, Ivalua, and Conga.

At LTIMindtree's Enterprise apps delivery unit, our mission is to be a trusted partner in harnessing the power of ServiceNow, Microsoft Dynamics, and Disruptive SaaS products. We bring together a skilled team of professionals, a wealth of industry experience, and a commitment to delivering transformative results.


For over two decades, LTIMindtree has provided end-to-end services for leading enterprises. As a Salesforce Summit partner with over 5,250 certifications and expertise in the Salesforce ecosystem, LTIMindtree is scaling greater heights. Our offerings cover the entire Salesforce value chain, enabling us to deliver industry-leading transformations and faster GTM, creating value for our customers. With an average CSAT score of 4.7/5, our engineers are the right fit to strategize and implement any Salesforce solution for large enterprises.

Our Salesforce Centers of Excellence have strong joint solution development and go-to-market initiatives with Salesforce, allowing us to bring innovative solutions directly to our customers. LTIMindtree has a host of custom-built solution accelerators on Salesforce that cater to the needs of different industries. They help enterprises deploy and launch various Salesforce solutions quickly and create immersive and connected customer journeys. With its strong credentials in Salesforce Implementation and AMS services, LTIMindtree provides significant value to all its customers.


LTIMindtree’s SAP practice helps businesses build a future-ready, sustainable, and timeless enterprise. We do that by enabling businesses to harness infinite possibilities to drive growth and success while also making a positive impact on the world, leveraging the power of SAP S/4HANA, SAP Cloud & the modern SAP intelligent technologies such as Business AI and Business Technology Platform (BTP). As one of the Global Strategic Services Partners (GSSP) of SAP, LTIMindtree’s SAP practice blends deep industry domain experience and world-class consulting capabilities to create unique intellectual assets on the SAP platform that are purpose-built to enrich the experience of its global customers. These assets enable us to drive efficiencies for customers and help them get to the future faster, together with SAP.


LTIMindtree is helping customers worldwide reinvent and reimagine their businesses to be future-ready for the digital world. Leveraging a cloud-first approach, we bring over two decades of experience delivering oracle programs and a robust oracle partnership to help our customers transition to the Cloud.

Our innovative ‘Enclose & Infinity’ platform, enriched with Gen AI capabilities and Cloud accelerators frameworks, helps reduce risk and accelerate time to value for our customers in their journey to Cloud. We launched testing as a Service for Oracle SaaS on the ‘RELY’ platform created to solve various challenges the Oracle Cloud testing and validation posed. Our continuing investments and innovations in emerging technology have made LTIMindtree the first and only Oracle partner globally to have accomplished CE and CSPE partnership levels in business analytics for North America. We are among the top 3 Oracle partners worldwide with 50+ Cloud service specializations and are part of the Oracle Gen AI Beta program.

We bagged our first Gen AI project with Cisco, wherein we built a uniform testing platform across multiple business applications integrated with Gen AI to create synthetic data for testing. For one of the transformational business cases this year, we seamlessly integrated Oracle CPQ Cloud into Terex's material processing and utilities segments, enabling the sales organization to quickly generate accurate quotations for the machine business.


LTIMindtree has established a robust Consulting division that transcends traditional boundaries, offering comprehensive digital and technology advisory services. This innovative Consulting arm serves as the nexus connecting various service lines, leveraging deep expertise across domains to deliver holistic solutions tailored to each client's unique requirements.

With a focus on driving digital led business transformation and fostering innovation, LTIMindtree’s consulting division is at the forefront of guiding businesses through the complexities of the modern technological landscape. By harnessing cutting-edge technologies and industry insights, Consulting practice empowers clients to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and stay ahead in today's rapidly evolving market.

With a commitment to excellence and a client-centric approach, LTIMindtree’s Consulting arm continues to play a pivotal role in driving growth and delivering value to stakeholders, cementing its position as a trusted partner for businesses navigating the digital age.


At LTIMindtree, we unlock the full potential of Hyper automation for our clients, crafting bespoke ecosystems tailored to industry-specific needs and cross-functional applications. We offer a comprehensive suite of services with our hyper automation arsenal, which includes Process Mining, RPA (Robotic Process Automation), Intelligent Document Processing, Generative AI, Workflow Orchestration, Machine Learning, and additional cognitive technologies. From strategic advisory, bot engineering, implementation, and managed services to establishing and operating Centers of Excellence (CoE), our services are designed to propel our clients' business process automation journey at every stage.

Delivering early value through a platform-centric approach is central to our strategy. Hyper Weaver, our proprietary platform, embodies the essence of Hyper automation. It ingeniously integrates Intelligent Process Discovery and Touchless Build capabilities powered by Generative AI, and comprehensive operational support with robust Governance. This unified platform is dedicated to 'Automating the Automation,' accelerating the pace, boosting productivity, and fostering the democratization of Business Process Automation. Hyper Weaver promises to redefine and elevate the automation landscape, ensuring our clients stay ahead in the fast-evolving digital realm.


  • Proprietary IP assets that enhance value
  • A commitment to a sustained automation journey
  • A partnership-centric growth mindset
  • A strategy focused on transformation through operation
  • A team of unparalleled experts
  • Groundbreaking engagement models


LTIMindtree’s dedicated quality engineering practice focuses on innovation and re-imagining quality engineering excellence to enhance customer delight. This is achieved across enterprises through their run, change, and transformation initiatives. The emergence of new technologies or themes, such as Gen AI, Metaverse, Connected Universe, Automation, etc., has made Quality Engineering more exciting than ever.

We enable enterprises on their transformation journeys with a consultative approach through our specialization in testing Automation, Performance, Digital, Data, Enterprise Apps, and Connected Universe. Our test engineering lifecycle is enhanced by blending process re-engineering principles and cognitive computing AI. We provide enterprise application testing services for Implementation, Multi-country Rollouts & Upgrades, and Cloud Migration programs across SAP, Salesforce, Oracle, and D365. We are expanding our testing capabilities to include the connected universe (IoT, AR/VR, Bluetooth, and Metaverse) among others. Testing-as-a-Service (TaaS) is also offered to businesses for on-demand validations. We support data transformation programs, which include data migration testing, ETL validation, and report testing. Our quest for innovation has resulted in CosmosQE, our AI/ML-led quality engineering platform.

It is a unique value solution, driving benefits across technologies and helping to deliver quality, efficiency, and cost optimization.

Our commitment to quality does not stop at cutting-edge testing practices and AI-infused solutions. We are taking our quality engineering services a step further by integrating Green-QE initiatives, focusing on reducing carbon footprints. Our advanced methods, such as frugal automation, self-healing scripts, and optimized regression testing, demonstrate our dedication to providing top-tier performance for our clients, making the world a better place.