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    Extend product life, retain customers, and enhance product experience

Product Sustenance and Modernization

Enhanced product experience through modernization of legacy products

The rapid pace of technology innovation has accelerated the product development life cycle. Existing products release regular updates while new products keep hitting the market every day. How do product companies sustain the existing products without wavering their focus from new product development? The cost of developing new products and keeping the existing product line refreshed with new features can be forbidding. Managing both at optimized cost and uncompromised quality requires the support of able partners.

LTIMindtree is the preferred product sustenance partner to global product companies, delivering new features and a superior data-driven experience to their customers. Our focused and targeted sustenance activities enable product firms to intelligently transform their mature products, maintain brand strength through carefully crafted end-of-life strategy while retaining their long-term client base, driving additional revenue growth.

LTIMindtree brings a comprehensive suite of product sustenance services that equip you to:

Retain clients and stay relevant: Your products continue to evolve and ace over your competitors, keeping your client base intact. Our services combine in-depth research on competing products, intelligent predictive analytics on user needs and usage patterns, and delivering progressive strategies to align your existing products to the current context.

Reduce TCO, improve margins: Reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and boost revenues by right-sizing the team, right-shoring the resources, and right-shaping the products. Our outcome-based business models, including profit and revenue-sharing methods, are a proven win-win proposition for our client partners.

Drive technology innovation: Our expertise and ready platforms drive end-to-end product sustenance. Devising comprehensive project execution strategy to planning, forecasting, and tracking events, providing metrics, and delivering client satisfaction—there’s an edge in everything we do. Our co-investing and co-engineering engagement help you repurpose existing technologies as you continue to adopt new, emerging technologies. You get the best in technology innovation with our powerful analytics-driven algorithms, data-driven strategy, and best practices in software engineering.

LTIMindtree’s product sustenance solutions deliver:

  • Up to 10% increase in product revenue
  • Up to 20% increase in Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
  • Up to 15% reduction in the cost of product sustenance
  • Up to 50% decrease in time for transition
  • Up to 80% unlocking of experienced resources

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