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LTI Canada W4W Speaker Series

Being an Effective Agent of Change Within Your Organization

Presenter: Arlene McDonald, VP Corporate Services and Risk Management at PointClickCare.

Date & Time: June 11, 2019 10:45 AM

Location: LTI Canada, 2810 Matheson Blvd E

As leaders, we constantly push our organizations to change. They could be minor upgrades or full-fledged technology transformations, but if not done systematically, they can be met with resistance, and evoke panic, frustration, and disengagement.

What does it mean to be a change agent? How can we ease the burden of change? How do we position ourselves as a trusted partner who understands business complexities?

In this session, Arlene will lead us through her story of transforming “service providing” IT departments into trusted “Business Partners” complete with tricks and tips on effective Change Management.

Join us for this informative event!