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Leapfrog Framework

The P&C insurance industry is experiencing a significant technological shift. Leading product vendors, including Guidewire, Duck Creek, Majesco, Insurity, and Sapiens, have transitioned toward their SaaS platforms. These product companies are investing more in their SaaS offerings and prioritizing data analytics and Gen-AI capabilities to unlock additional business value.

While the move to SaaS platforms promises agility and scalability, it also presents challenges. Customizations made to on-premises versions often deviate from best practices and SaaS architecture guardrails. Consequently, upgrading to SaaS becomes complex and costly.

Our Leapfrog accelerator addresses these challenges by simplifying cloud migration from on-premises systems. Let’s explore its key components:

Leapfrog upgrade analyzer:
  • This tool scans the current on-premises version and identifies all customizations that need remediation before migrating to the cloud.
  • It provides an intuitive dashboard and detailed reports, helping insurers understand deviations and estimate the effort required for remediation.

Leapfrog testing toolkit:
  • Comprehensive testing is essential for a successful migration.
  • This toolkit automates end-to-end upgrade testing, covering UI, data, and forms.
  • It also supports parallel testing, allowing insurers to validate the new environment thoroughly.
  • Recently enhanced with GenAI capabilities, it even automates test case and test data creation.

Leapfrog remediation toolkit:
  • Automation is at the heart of this toolkit, enhanced by the power of GenAI.
  • It handles remediation tasks for various components, including APIs, stored procedures, and custom database procedures.
  • By automating these tasks, insurers reduce manual effort and ensure consistency.

Leapfrog data migration toolkit:
  • Migrating data from on-premises to the cloud is a critical step.
  • The migration toolkit streamlines this process, ensuring data integrity and minimizing downtime.
  • Insurers can confidently move their core systems without disrupting business operations.

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